Allen School espresso room
Keeping CSE caffeinated

Quick links:  [contact and training signups]

Contact the ops team at this email address.

The Allen School espresso room (currently located in the northeast corner of CSE-1 on the second floor) has been around for over 20 years, caffeinating students, staff, postdocs and faculty.


You must complete training before using the espresso machine!

Please contact to setup a time for training.

We have a team of student volunteers and staff members who can help get you trained on the peculiarities of this machine and the rules of the room!

More Info

A new site is coming with more information, built in the CSE drupal CMS.

A latte-art swan A latte-art swan
Latte art
A view of expresso being drawn A view of expresso being drawn
Shots of espresso

Want to help or learn more? No problem!
Join the slack channel #espresso or volunteer as part of the GSC elections.